26 Following

Only Mostly Dead

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The Inheritance & Other Stories
Robin Hobb, Megan Lindholm
Progress: 82/400 pages
Cherie Priest
Progress: 109/416 pages
Hope Mirrlees, Neil Gaiman, Douglas A. Anderson
Progress: 146/236 pages
The Angel Esmeralda: Nine Stories
Don DeLillo
Progress: 34/224 pages
Sane New World: Taming the Mind
Ruby Wax
Progress: 16/256 pages
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life
'John Townsend', 'Henry Cloud'
Progress: 69/320 pages

Bad Things

Bad Things - Michael Marshall

I read this book because I had read and enjoyed We Are Here and this book introduces some of the characters that appear in that book. However I think it's OK to read them in either order, it's probably better to read this first.I did enjoy this but it was darker and more horror than supernatural thriller. I think if you like Stephen King you'll enjoy this. It has that same sense of some dark and powerful brooding menace out in the woods.